About Us

Excelsior Saunas is the perfect cornerstone for manufacturing Custom Saunas and Wellness Retreats built entirely from quality materials to give you the experience you deserve.

Leif Kjorness

Leif Kjorness has been a contractor for the last 25 years building custom homes. He spent much of his upbringing on various job sites following in his father’s footsteps as he learned the ropes and developed craftsmanship for building and design.

Upon graduating high school, Leif began working for a custom homes builder in the Twin Cities. He then spent time in the greater Lake Tahoe area running jobs as a lead carpenter before returning to Minnesota in 2005.

In a demanding homebuilding climate and as a busy father of two, Kjorness recently embarked on a wellness journey and discovered a passion for the sauna experience. This has become a lifestyle he considers essential to a person’s well-being and is motivated to build, share, and teach about saunas and their health benefits.

Hot Room Sauna Group